Kwik EFIS is a suite of applications which implement a Glass Cockpit solution
designed to function on most Android devices equipped with a GPS,
gyroscope, accelerometer and a CPU with reasonable performance.
The suite currently consist of applications:
Primary Flight Display (PFD), Kwik PRIM
Multi Function Display (MFD) Digital Moving Map, Kwik DMAP
Combined Format Display (CFD), Kwik COMP
The primary display is modeled on modern EFSI displays. A central
attitude indicator bordered by altitude and ground speed tapes.
True track is displayed at the top of the screen, and the slip ball at the bottom.
V speeds are displayed according to the selected aircraft.
Flight Director
Kwik EFIS has a fully functional flight director built in. It uses the standard V-Bar
symbology common to modern flight directors. The target waypoint and altitude is set
by means of the spinner controls on the right top and bottom of the screen.
Stratux ADS-B/AHRS
In addition to the internal sensors, a low cost Stratux ADS-B/AHRS can be selected as the
input source. See Stratux ADS-B for more
Demo Mode
There is also a simulation mode available in the application.
The Flight director is used to select a waypoint and altitude and the simulator will
the GPS movements to navigate to the selected waypoint.
The speed is constant at 192kt.