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Kwik Navigator Australian Airports online:

A01 Dwellingup
A02 Tjukayirla Roadhouse
A03 Langley Park
A04 Myrup fly in estate
A05 Harrismith WA
A06 Kulin, WA
A07 Althorpe Lighthouse
A10 Pinjarra North, WA
A11 Pinjarra Skydiving, WA
A12 Wheelerfield, WA
A13 Lake Clifton, WA
Y104 Between Lakes
A15 Abrolhos
A16 Catholic Agricultural College Bindoon Airstrip
A17 Bremer Bay
A18 Middlebrook
A19 Lily Dutch Windmill
A20 Bloomfield
A21 Preston Field
AVCA Avoca
YAAL Yarralin
YABA Albany
YABI Abingdon Downs
YABS Albion Downs
YABU Amburla
YACI Arcadia
YACS Acacia Downs
YADD Arubiddy
YADG Aldinga
YADM Yandan Mine
YADO Andado
YADS Alton Downs
YADY Adaminaby
YAGD Augustus Downs
YAHD Ashburton Downs
YAKG Arckaringa
YALA Marla
YALC Alcoota Station
YALG Adels Grove
YALH Albilbah
YALM Allambie
YALN Allandy
YALX Alexandria Station
YALY Alderly
YAMB Amberley
YAMC Aramac
YAMJ Ampilatwatja
YAMK Andamooka
YAML Armraynald
YAMM Ammaroo
YAMT Amata
YAND Answer Downs
YANJ Angatja
YANL Anthony Lagoon
YANN Anningie
YANW Annitowa
YAOR Ardmore
YAPA Anna Plains Homestead
YAPH Alpha
YAPO Apollo Bay
YARA Ararat
YARD Argadargada
YARG Argyle
YARI Arizona Homestead
YARK Arkaroola
YARL Ardlethan
YARM Armidale
YARN Areyonga
YARP Arapunya
YARS Ardrossan
YARY Arrabury
YASF Ashford
YATL Atula
YATN Atherton
YATR Ampitheatre
YATY Atley
YAUA Augathella
YAUG Augusta
YAUR Aurukun
YAUS Austral Downs Station
YAUV Auvergne Station
YAVD Avon Downs
YAVM Avonmore
YAWT Agnes Water
YAYE Ayers Rock
YBAD Baradine
YBAF Archerfield
YBAL Balladonia
YBAM Bamaga/Injinoo
YBAN Mount Barnet
YBAO Braidwood
YBAR Barcaldine
YBAS Alice Springs
YBAU Badu Island
YBAW Barkly Downs
YBBA Barraba
YBBC Bamboo Creek
YBBE Big Bell
YBBL Billabalong
YBBN Brisbane
YBBO Bon Bon
YBBT Boort
YBCB Bencubbin
YBCG Coolangatta
YBCH Beechworth
YBCK Blackall
YBCL Boolcarrol Station
YBCR Batchelor
YBCS Cairns
YBCV Charleville
YBDF Bedford Downs
YBDG Bendigo
YBDP Bridport
YBDS Birthday Siding
YBDV Birdsville
YBDX Barradale
YBEC Beacon
YBEE Beverley
YBEF Beaufort
YBEL Bothwell
YBEO Betoota
YBER Berwick
YBEU Beulah
YBEV Beverley
YBEW Beechworth
YBFR Balfour
YBGB Beagle Bay
YBGI Balgair
YBGO Balgo Hill
YBGR Bridgewater
YBGT Budgerygar Station
YBGY Biniguy
YBHB Bathurst Harbour
YBHI Broken Hill
YBHK Bushy Park
YBHM Hamilton Island
YBIA Bingara
YBIE Bedourie
YBIK Billa Kalina
YBIL Billiluna
YBIN Biggenden
YBIR Birchip
YBIU Ballidu
YBIZ Bizant
YBJW Banjawarn
YBKE Bourke
YBKS Barkly Wayside Inn
YBKT Burketown
YBLA Benalla
YBLB Billabong Road House
YBLC Balcanoona
YBLD Brooklands
YBLG Bollards Lagoon
YBLH Bellalie Homestead
YBLL Bollon
YBLM Blinman
YBLN Busselton
YBLT Ballarat
YBLU Bellevue
YBMA Mount Isa
YBMC Maroochydore/Sunshine Coa
YBMD Bloomfield River
YBMI Boomi
YBMK Mackay
YBMM Bamawm
YBMR Barmera
YBMY Bamyili
YBNA Ballina
YBNC Bannockburn
YBNM Benmara
YBNS Bairnsdale
YBNY Brunchilly Station
YBOA Boonah
YBOC Booleroo Centre
YBOD Bodalla
YBOG Boggabri
YBOI Boigu Island
YBOK Oakey
YBOM Bombala
YBOP Boyup Brook
YBOR Bordertown
YBOT Boatman
YBOU Boulia
YBOV Border Village
YBOY Booylgoo Springs
YBPI Brampton Island
YBPN Proserpine
YBRA Benambra
YBRC Barrow Creek
YBRJ Burren Junction
YBRK Rockhampton
YBRL Borroloola
YBRM Broome
YBRN Balranald
YBRO Bruce Rock
YBRS Barwon Heads/Geelong
YBRU Brunette Downs
YBRW Brewarrina
YBSG Scherger
YBSP Bond Springs
YBSR Blackstone Range
YBSS Bacchus Marsh
YBTD Brighton Downs
YBTH Bathurst
YBTI Bathurst Island
YBTL Townsville
YBTN Barton Siding
YBTR Blackwater
YBTS Battery Downs
YBTT Buttabone
YBTV Batavia Downs
YBUC Butch
YBUD Bundaberg
YBUG Bulga Downs Station
YBUI Burnie
YBUL Bulgunnia
YBUN Bunbury
YBUP Bunyip
YBUX Bulleringa
YBVA Balaklava
YBVL Blackville
YBVY Bullo River Valley
YBWG Bronzewing
YBWI Burdekin Wilderness Lodge
YBWM Bulimba
YBWN Bowen
YBWP Weipa
YBWR Bolwarra
YBWT Bowthorn
YBWX Barrow Island
YBXH Branxholme
YBYA Bryah
YBYD Bonney Downs Station
YBYI Bruny Island
YBYR Byrock
YBYS Beverley Springs
YBYW Bayswater
YBZA Breeza
YCAB Caboolture
YCAC Cattle Creek
YCAE Campbell Town
YCAG Caiguna
YCAH Coolah
YCAI Callion
YCAJ Cadjebut
YCAL Castlemaine
YCAM Cannington Station
YCAN Cannon Hill Community
YCAR Carnarvon
YCAS Casino
YCBA Cobar
YCBB Coonabarabran
YCBE Canobie
YCBG Cambridge
YCBN Cape Barren Island
YCBP Coober Pedy
YCBR Collarenebri
YCBY Cow Bay
YCCA Chinchilla
YCCF Cape Crawford
YCCK Canteen Creek
YCCT Coconut Island
YCCY Cloncurry
YCDB Coondambo
YCDE Cobden
YCDH Cadney Homestead
YCDL Cradle Valley
YCDO Condobolin
YCDR Caloundra
YCDS Childers
YCDT Carandotta
YCDU Ceduna
YCDV Caldervale Station
YCEE Cleve
YCEM Coldstream
YCES Ceres
YCFD Camfield Station
YCFH Clifton Hills
YCFL Cape Flattery
YCFN Clifton
YCGI Carnegie Homestead
YCGO Chillagoe
YCHB Cherrabah
YCHL Charlton
YCHR Childra
YCHT Charters Towers
YCIG Corrigin
YCIN Curtin
YCJU Conjuboy
YCKA Curdimurka
YCKD Clarke Island
YCKI Croker Island
YCKN Cooktown
YCKY Cocklebiddy
YCLE Callendale Station
YCLG Coolgardie
YCLM Collymongle
YCLQ Cape Leveque
YCLT Collector
YCLY Coleambally
YCMH Camden Haven
YCMK Camel Creek
YCMM Cummins Town
YCMT Clermont
YCMU Cunnamulla
YCMW Camooweal
YCNF Camp Nifty
YCNG Cooranga
YCNH Carnarmah
YCNK Cessnock
YCNM Coonamble
YCNN Coonana
YCNO Conargo
YCNQ Coonawarra
YCNR Cann River
YCNS Coniston
YCNX Cooranga
YCNY Century Mine
YCOB Cooranbong
YCOD Cordillo Downs
YCOF Coffin Bay
YCOG Coongan
YCOH Cohuna
YCOI Collie
YCOL Coleraine
YCOM Cooma
YCOO Cooinda
YCOR Corowa
YCOS Cosmo Newberry
YCOY Coral Bay
YCPD Cape Don
YCPG Coppins Gap
YCPH Copper Hills
YCPN Carpentaria Downs
YCPP Copper Triangle
YCRA Carinda
YCRG Corryong
YCRK Christmas Creek Station
YCRL Crookwell
YCRN Cranbrook
YCRT Carrieton
YCRY Croydon
YCSL Consuelo
YCSP Curtin Springs
YCSV Collinsville
YCTC Cotten Creek
YCTH Chatsworth
YCTI Cockatoo Island
YCTM Cootamundra
YCTN Casterton
YCTS Calton Hills
YCUA Cudal
YCUD Cuddapan
YCUN Cunderdin
YCUR Cabramurra
YCUS Cummins
YCUT Cuthero
YCVS Cervantes
YCWE Cape Wessels
YCWH Commonwealth Hill
YCWI Cowarie
YCWL Cowell
YCWN Corowa Downs
YCWO Chatsworth
YCWR Cowra
YCWY Coolawanyah Station
YCXA Cooloola
YCYT Crystal Brook
YDAD Dadswells Bridge
YDAG Dagworth
YDAJ Dajarra
YDAL Dallas
YDAR Darlington
YDAY Dalby
YDBI Dirranbandi
YDBR Dunbar
YDBY Derby
YDDF Drumduff
YDEG Delegate
YDEK Denmark
YDER Derrinallum
YDEV Devoncourt
YDGI Dullingari
YDGN Doongan
YDGR Dalgaranga Station
YDGT Dalgety Downs Station
YDGY De Grey Homestead
YDHL Dhalinbuy
YDIM Dimbulah
YDIX Dixie
YDKI Dunk Island
YDLD Delmore Downs
YDLH Dalhousie
YDLK Dulkaninna
YDLL Dunolly
YDLO Darlot
YDLQ Deniliquin
YDLT Delta Downs
YDLV Delissaville
YDLW Daly Waters
YDME Mount Dimer
YDMF Diemal Find
YDMG Doomadgee
YDMN Daly River Mission
YDMR Delamere Station
YDNB Doongmabulla
YDNI Darnley Island
YDNV Dynevor Downs
YDOC Dochra
YDOD Donald
YDON Dowerin
YDOO Donors Hill
YDOP Donnington Airpark
YDOR Dorunda
YDPD Davenport Downs
YDPO Devonport
YDPR Dneiper
YDPS Depot Springs Homestead
YDPT Depot Outcamp
YDPW Deep Well
YDRA Dongara
YDRC Dairy Creek Homestead
YDRD Drysdale River
YDRH Durham Downs
YDRI Durrie
YDRL De Rose Hill
YDUK Duketon
YDUM Dumbleyung
YDUN Dunwich
YDVE Dale River
YDVR Docker River
YDWF Delamere Range Facility
YDWU Dalwallinu
YDYD Derry Downs
YDYS Dysart
YEAB Euabalong
YECH Echuca
YECL Eucla
YEDA Etadunna
YEDE Edenhope
YEDH Meredith
YEDM Edmund Station
YEEB Eneabba
YEES Elderslie
YEGA Engonnia
YEIN Einasleigh
YELD Elcho Island
YELE Belele
YELK Elkedra
YELL Elliott
YELM Elmore
YELN Elliston
YELR Elderslie
YELS Earlston
YEMG Eromanga
YEMJ Emu Junction
YEML Emerald
YEMP Emu Park
YENO Enoggera
YEPL Epsilon
YEPR Epenarra
YEQO El Questro
YERA Errabiddy Homestead
YERH Earaheedy
YERL Erldunda
YERN Ernabella
YERO Erong Station
YERU Erudina
YESC Escott
YESP Esperance
YEUA Euroa
YEUD Eudamulla Station
YEVA Eva Downs
YEVD Evans Head
YEVP Everard Park
YEXM Exmouth
YEYD Evelyn Downs
YFBS Forbes
YFCK Fish Creek
YFCU Fortescue River
YFFT Farrell Flat
YFIL Finley
YFLI Flinders Island
YFLO Flora Valley
YFLS Flinders Island
YFNE Finke
YFOR Fortnum
YFRD Frome Downs
YFRG Fregon
YFRK Frankland
YFRT Forrest
YFSA Forsayth
YFSK Fiskville
YFTA Forrestania
YFTN Mount Fitton Talc
YFTZ Fitzroy Crossing
YFVW Fairview
YFWY Faraway Bay
YGAD Garden Island
YGAH Greenbah
YGAM Gamboola
YGAN Gan Gan
YGAR Gnaraloo Homestead
YGAT Gatton College
YGAW Gawler
YGAY Gayndah
YGBI South Goulburn Island
YGBW Gunbower
YGCR Gloucester
YGDA Goodooga
YGDH Gunnedah
YGDI Goondiwindi
YGDN Gordon Downs
YGDR The Garden
YGDS Gregory Downs
YGDV Gladevale Homestead
YGDW Granite Downs Station
YGEL Geraldton
YGFN Grafton
YGGE Golden Grove
YGGI Goolgowi
YGGL Glen Garland
YGGO Goonoo Goonoo Homestead
YGGS Gregory Springs
YGHG Glen Harding
YGIB Gibb River
YGID Gidgee
YGIF Gifford Creek Station
YGIG Gingin
YGIL Gilgandra
YGIR Giralia
YGKL Great Keppel Island
YGLA Gladstone
YGLB Goulburn
YGLD Glendambo
YGLE Glengyle
YGLG Geelong
YGLI Glen Innes
YGLN Glenroy Estates
YGLO Glenormiston
YGLP Gallipoli
YGLS Giles
YGLY Glenayle Homestead
YGMD Goomadeer
YGMP Grampians
YGNA Granada
YGNF Grenfell
YGNV Greenvale
YGNW Gnowangerup
YGOM Goomalling
YGPI Giles Point
YGPR Gunpowder
YGPT Garden Point
YGRD Grovedale
YGRU Glen Ruth
YGSC Gascoyne Junction
YGTE Groote Eylandt
YGTH Griffith
YGTN Georgetown
YGTO George Town
YGTP Greenthorpe
YGUL Gullewa
YGUW Gunnawarra
YGVE Glendevie
YGWA Goolwa
YGWD Galway Downs
YGYM Gympie
YHAA Haasts Bluff
YHAB Hideaway Bay
YHAE Harden
YHAW Hawker
YHBA Hervey Bay
YHBK Holbrook
YHBR Humbert River
YHBY Henbury
YHDD Hodgson Downs
YHDY Headingly
YHEC Heck Field
YHEG Hells Gate
YHEW Hedlow
YHGR Hugh River
YHGS Hughes Siding
YHHY Highbury
YHID Horn Island
YHIL Hillside
YHKT Huckitta
YHLC Halls Creek
YHLM Hillman Farm
YHLS Hillston
YHMB Hermannsburg
YHML Hamilton
YHMT Hamilton
YHOA Howard Island
YHOO Hooker Creek
YHOT Mount Hotham
YHOV Hodgson River
YHOX Hoxton Park
YHOY Hollins Bay
YHPE Hopetoun
YHPN Hopetoun
YHRD Hungerford
YHRG Haddon Rig
YHSB Horseshoe Bend
YHSL Horseshoe Lights Mine
YHSM Horsham
YHTA Hiltaba
YHTL Heathlands
YHTN Herberton
YHTR Hunter Island
YHTS Harts Range
YHUG Hughenden
YHVH Harvest Home
YIDK Indulkana
YIDR Idracowra Station
YIFL Innisfail
YIFY Iffley
YIGM Ingham
YIGR Ingomar
YIKL Baikal
YIKM Inkerman
YILA Milawa
YILT Milton
YILW Inglewood
YIMA Imanpa
YIMB Kimba
YIMP Impadna
YING Ingelara
YINJ Injune
YINN Innamincka
YINO Inverell North
YINV Inverleigh
YINW Inverway
YISD Isis Downs
YISF Isisford
YISV Innesvale
YITT Mitta Mitta
YIVL Inverell
YIVO Ivanhoe
YJAB Jabiru
YJAK Jackson
YJAM Jameson
YJBY Jervis Bay
YJCO Jerico
YJDA Jundah
YJEM Jemalong
YJER Jerilderie
YJEY Jeedamya
YJGP Jerramungup
YJIG Jiggalong Mission
YJIN Jindabyne
YJLC Julia Creek
YJNB Jurien Bay
YJNK Jinka
YJNY Jonroy
YJRO Jericho
YJST Jamestown
YJUK Tjukurla
YJUN Jundee
YJVM Jervois Mine
YJVS Jervois
YJWB Jowalbinna
YKAE Kalannie
YKAJ Kajabbi
YKAL Kalumburu
YKAN Kanandah
YKAP Kapunda
YKAT Katoomba
YKAY Kayrunnera
YKBG Koolyanobbing Range
YKBL Kambalda
YKBN Kooralbyn
YKBR Kalbarri
YKBY Streaky Bay
YKCA Kings Canyon
YKCK Killiecrankie
YKCS Kings Creek Station
YKDI Kadina
YKDL Kondoolka
YKDM Kidman Springs
YKDN Kondinin
YKEB Kellerberrin
YKEL Kelvin Homestead
YKEN Kenmore Park
YKER Kerang
YKGA Kingoonya
YKHA Khancoban
YKHG Katherine Gorge
YKIA Kiana Station
YKID Kidston
YKIG Kingston
YKII King Island
YKIL Kildurk Station
YKIR Kirkimbie Station
YKIU Kaiuroo
YKKG Kalkgurung
YKKH Kokatha
YKLA Koolatah
YKLB Koolburra
YKLG Kalinga
YKLL Kallala
YKLN Killarney Station
YKLR Kalamurina
YKMB Karumba
YKML Kamileroi
YKMP Kempsey
YKNC Kencherang
YKNG Katanning
YKNM Koonmarra
YKNP Kununoppin
YKNT Kintore
YKNV Kaniva
YKOG Koongarra
YKOJ Kojonup
YKOK Kookynie
YKOL Kolendo
YKOW Kowanyama
YKPR Kalpowar
YKRV Kendall River
YKRY Kingaroy
YKSC Kingscote
YKTH Keith
YKTN Kyneton
YKUB Kubin Village
YKUW Kurweeton
YKUY Kurray Homestead
YKWG Kangaroo Well
YKYB Kyabram
YKYN Kynuna
YLAG Lagoon Bay
YLAH Lawn Hill
YLAM Lambina
YLAN Langawirra
YLAO Lameroo
YLAW Lawlers
YLBD Lombadina
YLBG Mount Liebig
YLCG Lake Cargelligo
YLCS Locksley Field
YLDB Lady Barron
YLDO Landor Station
YLEA Leeman
YLEC Leigh Creek
YLED Lethbridge
YLEE Leeton
YLEG Leongatha
YLEO Leonora
YLET Lakes Entrance
YLEV Lake Evella
YLFD Lakefield
YLGA Mulga Downs
YLGB La Grange Bay
YLGC Lake Grace
YLGD Longdown
YLGL Laglan
YLGN Loongana
YLGU Legune Station
YLHI Lord Howe Island
YLHL Long Hill
YLHR Lockhart River
YLHS Lyndhurst Station
YLIL Lilydale
YLIM Limbunya Station
YLIN Lindeman Island
YLIS Lismore
YLKD Lucky Downs
YLKN Lake Nash
YLLA Mobella
YLLC Lilla Creek
YLLD Langlo Downs
YLLE Ballera
YLMB Lambrook
YLMU Mungo Lodge
YLND Lakeland Downs
YLNR Landor Races
YLOC Lochinvar
YLOD Longwood
YLOH Louth
YLOR Lorraine
YLOU Louisa Downs
YLOV Lotus Vale Station
YLOX Loxton
YLOY Longwarry
YLPR Lake Pedder
YLRA Laura
YLRD Lightning Ridge
YLRE Longreach
YLRG Lorna Glen Homestead
YLRN Lorraine Station
YLRS New Laura
YLSM Lismore
YLST Leinster
YLSY Mount Lindsay
YLTN Laverton
YLTV Latrobe Valley
YLUC Lucy Creek
YLUI Lucindale
YLUL Moolelulooloo
YLUW Leeuwin Estate
YLVB Lovely Banks
YLVD Lake Everard
YLVK Lavarack
YLVY Lake Varley
YLWY Lake Way
YLYD Lyndley
YLYK Lyndoch
YLYN Lyndon Station
YLZI Lizard Island
YMAA Mabuiag Island
YMAC Macumba
YMAD Madura
YMAG Manangatang
YMAI Manguri
YMAK Mabel Creek Station
YMAU Mount Augustus
YMAV Avalon
YMAY Albury
YMBA Mareeba
YMBD Murray Bridge
YMBL Marble Bar
YMBT Mount Beauty
YMBU Maryborough
YMBX Mundrabilla Homestead
YMBZ Mount Ebenezer
YMCE Mount Clere Homestead
YMCK Mckinlay
YMCL Mount Coolon
YMCO Mallacoota
YMCR Manners Creek Station
YMCS Macrossan
YMCT Millicent
YMCU Mount Mcclure
YMDA Mundubberra
YMDB Mundabullangana
YMDG Mudgee
YMDI Mandora Station
YMDK Mount Riddock Station
YMDN Merredin
YMDR Minderoo Station
YMDS Macdonald Downs
YMDT Mundrabilla Motel
YMDV Mount Davies
YMDW Maitland Downs
YMDZ Mardi Station
YMEB Mount Eba
YMED Menindee
YMEI Mereenie
YMEK Meekatharra
YMEL Melton
YMEN Essendon
YMEO Merton
YMEP Merapah
YMER Merimbula
YMES East Sale
YMEU Merluna
YMEW Mingenew
YMEY Mullaley
YMFD Mansfield
YMGB Milingimbi
YMGD Maningrida
YMGG Mulgathing
YMGI Mungindi
YMGN Mount Gunson
YMGO Murgoo Station
YMGR Margaret River Station
YMGS Mount Morgans
YMGT Margaret River
YMGV Musgrave
YMHB Hobart
YMHL Mount Holland
YMHO Mount House
YMHT Mount Hart Station
YMHU Mcarthur River Mine
YMHW Mount Howitt
YMIA Mildura
YMIB Mintabie
YMIG Mittagong
YMIJ Minjilang
YMIL Milgun
YMIN Minlaton
YMIP Mitchell Plateau
YMIR Miranda Downs
YMIS Millrose Homestead
YMIT Mitchell
YMIV Mount Ive
YMIX Middalya Homestead
YMJE Mount James
YMJM Manjimup
YMKA Mataranka Station
YMKT Emkaytee
YMLA Malina
YMLC Mole Creek
YMLD Maitland
YMLL Millungera
YMLN Monolon
YMLR Muloorina
YMLS Miles
YMLT Launceston
YMLW Mongrel Downs
YMLX Milurie Homestead
YMMB Moorabbin
YMMI Murrin Murrin
YMML Melbourne
YMMN Millmerran
YMMT Mount Margaret Station
YMMU Middlemount
YMNA Mount Allan
YMNB Mount Barry
YMND Maitland
YMNE Mount Keith
YMNF Manfred
YMNG Mangalore
YMNK Monkira
YMNN Mount Denison
YMNO Maneroo
YMNP Murnpeowie
YMNS Mount Swan
YMNT Mornington Station
YMNW Mount Weld
YMNX Minara
YMNY Morney
YMOE Moonaree
YMOG Mount Magnet
YMOM Moulamein
YMOO Mooraberree
YMOR Moree
YMOT Moreton
YMOU Moura
YMPA Minnipa
YMPC Point Cook
YMPK Milton Park
YMQA Marqua
YMRA Maralinga
YMRB Moranbah
YMRE Marree
YMRS Melrose
YMRT Mount Garnet
YMRW Morawa
YMRY Moruya
YMSF Mount Sanford Station
YMSK Mount Skinner
YMSP Mount Surprise
YMSS Murchison Shire
YMTA Mittiebah
YMTB Muttaburra
YMTC Mount Clarence
YMTG Mount Gambier
YMTI Mornington Island
YMTO Monto
YMTW Martins Well
YMTX Mount Dare Station
YMTZ Mount Elizabeth
YMUA Monduran
YMUC Muccan Station
YMUE Mount Borradale Station
YMUG Mungeranie
YMUI Murray Island
YMUJ Munjina
YMUK Mulka
YMUL Murray Field
YMUP Mulga Park
YMUR Murwillumbah
YMUX Mileura Homestead
YMVG Mount Cavenagh
YMVH Marvel Loch
YMVM Mangrove Mountain
YMVN Morven
YMVY Mount Valley
YMWA Mullewa
YMWO Mahanewo
YMWT Moolawatana
YMWX Marion Downs
YMYB Maryborough
YMYH Mallapunyah Springs Stati
YMYI Marymia
YMYR Myroodan Station
YMYT Merty Merty
YMYV Maryvale
YMYW Murray Downs
YMYY Mary Valley
YMZI Menzies
YNAB Nabarlek
YNAN Nanango
YNAP Nappa Merrie
YNAR Narrandera
YNAU Nannup
YNBR Narrabri
YNCD Noccundra
YNCS New Crown Station
YNDG Newdegate
YNDR Nundroo
YNDS Natal Downs
YNES Nelson Springs
YNGB Nagambie
YNGU Ngukurr
YNHE Newhaven
YNHL Nhill
YNHP Northampton
YNHS Nambucca Heads
YNHV New Haven
YNIC Nicholson
YNIG Nonning
YNIN Meningie
YNKA Noonkanbah
YNMN New Moon
YNNT Nanutarra
YNOC Nockatunga
YNOF Norfolk
YNON Noondoonia Homestead
YNOO Nooyeah Downs
YNPA Nilpinna
YNPB Napperby
YNPD Napier Downs Station
YNPU Nepabunna
YNRB Narembeen
YNRC Naracoorte
YNRG Narrogin
YNRL Naryilco
YNRM Narromine
YNRR Nyrripi
YNSH Noosa
YNSM Norseman
YNTM Northam
YNTN Normanton
YNUB Nullarbor Motel
YNUD Namuldi
YNUE Numery
YNUJ Nudjaburra
YNUL Nullagine
YNUM Numbulwar
YNUT Nutwood Downs
YNVE Navarre
YNVL Normanville
YNVR Navarra
YNWL North Well
YNWN Newman
YNWT Narwietooma
YNYG Nyang Homestead
YNYM Nymagee
YNYN Nyngan
YNYP Nypari
YOAD Old Andado
YOAP One Arm Point
YOAS The Oaks
YODA Ooldea
YODL Ourdell
YOEN Oenpelli
YOIT Orielton
YOKE Oakvale
YOKV Oak Valley
YOLA Colac
YOLD Olympic Dam
YOLW Onslow
YOMI Omnicron
YOOD Oodnadatta
YOOM Moomba
YOOO Moolooloo Station
YORA Moonerah
YORB Orbost
YORG Orange
YORL Orleans Farm
YORR Orroroo
YORT Ooratippra
YORV Ord River
YORW Orient Well
YOTN Ootann
YOUN Youanmi
YOUY Ouyen
YPAC Pacific Haven
YPAD Adelaide
YPAG Port Augusta
YPAK Pakenham
YPAM Palm Island
YPAY Papunya
YPBH Peterborough
YPBO Paraburdoo
YPCC Cocos Island
YPCE Pooncarie
YPCH Patchewollock
YPCS Pinnacles Homestead
YPDI Pandie Pandie
YPDN Darwin
YPDO Pardoo Station
YPDY Padthaway Station
YPEA Pearce
YPEC Aeropelican
YPED Edinburgh
YPEF Penfield
YPFT Cooma/Polo Flat
YPGH Pigeon Hole
YPID Phillip Island
YPIN Pinnacle
YPIR Port Pirie
YPJI Perenjori
YPJT Jandakot
YPKA Karratha
YPKE Peake
YPKG Kalgoorlie/Boulder
YPKH Peak Hill
YPKI Parakylia
YPKL Puckapunyal
YPKS Parkes
YPKT Port Keats
YPKU Kununurra
YPLC Port Lincoln
YPLG Pilliga
YPLI Palmers Island
YPLL Peak Hill
YPLM Learmonth
YPLU Plutonic
YPMB Plumbago
YPME Palmer
YPMP Pormpuraaw
YPMQ Port Macquarie
YPNC Pine Creek
YPNG Penong
YPNI Prenti Downs Station
YPNN Pinnaroo
YPNW Pannawonica
YPOD Portland
YPOK Porepunkah
YPPD Port Hedland
YPPF Parafield
YPPH Perth
YPRA Prairie
YPRE Premer
YPSH Penneshaw
YPTB Peterborough
YPTJ Patjarr
YPTN Tindal
YPUA Palumpa
YPUN Punmu
YPVD Plevna Downs
YPWH Pittsworth
YPWR Woomera
YPXM Christmas Island
YPYD Pyramid Hill
YPYF Paynes Find
YQBE Quambone
YQBK Quambatook
YQDG Quairading
YQDI Quirindi
YQLP Quilpie
YQNS Queenstown
YQON Quondong
YQRN Quorn
YQUE Questa Park
YRAG Raglan
YRAM Raymore Homestead
YRAV Ravensthorpe
YRAW Rawlinna
YRBB Rainbow Beach
YRBM Redbank Mine
YRBR Robinson River
YRBT Rabbit Flat
YRDA Yardea
YRDM Redmont
YRDY Reedys
YRED Redcliffe
YREN Renmark
YRHL Red Hill Station
YRID Riddell
YRKE Rokewood
YRKP Arkapena
YRKS Rocklands
YRLE Rocklea
YRLL Rolleston
YRMD Richmond
YRNG Ramingining
YRNW Ringwood Station
YROB Robinhood
YROE Roebourne
YROI Robinvale
YROK Rocky River
YROT Rothsay Mine
YROV Ross River
YRRB Roper Bar
YRRG Rhodes Ridge
YRRR Raymangirr
YRSB Roseberth
YRSK Ringer Soak
YRSV Rosevale
YRSY Romsey
YRTI Rottnest Island
YRTP Rutland Plains
YRUD Rudal River
YRVE Riveren
YRWA Rawlinna Homestead
YRWH Ravensworth
YRXB Roxby Downs
YRYH Roy Hill Station
YRYK Rawnsley Park
YSAH Sandhill
YSAI Saipem
YSAN Sandstone
YSAR Mount Sarah
YSBK Bankstown
YSBO Stanbroke
YSCB Canberra
YSCH Coffs Harbour
YSCN Camden
YSCO Scone
YSCR Southern Cross
YSDL Sudley
YSDU Dubbo
YSDW Strathdownie
YSEN Serpentine
YSFI Sandfire Road House
YSFY Sandfly
YSGD Strathgordon
YSGE Saint George
YSGR South Grafton
YSGT Singleton
YSGW South Galway
YSHG Shay Gap
YSHK Shark Bay
YSHN Shannon River
YSHR Shute Harbour
YSHT Shepparton
YSHW Holsworthy
YSII Saibai Island
YSLG Silent Grove
YSLK Sea Lake
YSLN Strathleven
YSLV Sylvania Homestead
YSMI Smithton
YSMP Smith Point
YSMR Strathmore
YSMY Strathmay
YSNB Snake Bay
YSNF Norfolk Island
YSNT Snowtown
YSNW Nowra
YSOW Southwell
YSPE Stanthorpe
YSPF Springfield
YSPI Springsure
YSPK Spring Creek
YSPT Southport
YSPV Springvale
YSRD Sunrise Dam
YSRI Richmond
YSRN Strahan
YSRT Surat
YSSY Sydney
YSTA Saint Arnaud
YSTB Strathburn
YSTC Stuart Creek
YSTH Saint Helens
YSTO Stonehenge
YSTR Strathearn
YSTT Santa Teresa Mission
YSTW Tamworth
YSUJ Supplejack Downs
YSVH Silver Hills
YSVN Strathaven
YSWA Swansea
YSWE Sweers Island
YSWG Wagga Wagga
YSWH Swan Hill
YSWL Stawell
YSYN Strathalbyn
YTAB Tableland Homestead
YTAD Tandou Lake
YTAM Taroom
YTAN Tanami Downs
YTAR Tarcoola
YTBB Tumby Bay
YTBG Talbingo
YTBR Timber Creek
YTCF Tracey'S Field
YTCK Torrens Creek
YTCY Tarcoonyinna
YTDL Tidal River
YTDM Todmorden
YTDN Tooradin
YTDR Theodore
YTEC Tenneco Stn Three
YTEE Trepell
YTEF Telfer
YTEM Temora
YTEN Tenneco Stn Five
YTFD Tenterfield
YTGA Tangalooma
YTGG Taggerty
YTGI Trangie
YTGM Thargomindah
YTGT The Granites
YTHD Theda Station
YTHI Thistle Island
YTHR Three Rivers Homestead
YTHS Three Springs
YTHV Thevenard Island
YTHY Thylungra
YTIB Tibooburra
YTII Trinidad
YTIT Ti Tree
YTJI Tjirrkarli
YTJU Tjuntjuntjarra
YTKS Toorak Research Station
YTKY Turkey Creek
YTLG Taralga
YTLL Tullamore
YTLT Tarlton Downs
YTMB Tambo
YTML Tamala
YTMN Tanami Gold Mine
YTMO The Monument
YTMS Tambar Springs
YTMU Tumut
YTMY Tobermorey
YTNC Tuncurry
YTNE Tenneco Stn One
YTNG Thangool
YTNK Tennant Creek
YTNN Tenneco Stn Four
YTNR Tanumbirini Station
YTNS Toliness
YTOA Toolachie
YTOB Toomba
YTOC Tocumwal
YTOG Togo Station
YTOK Torres Park Homestead
YTOS Tenneco Stn Two
YTOT Tottenham
YTQY Torquay
YTRB Torrumbarry
YTRC Tarcombe
YTRE Taree
YTRK Turee Creek
YTST Truscott
YTTE Ti Tree
YTTI Troughton Island
YTUA Triabunna
YTUC Tuckabiana
YTUN Tunbridge
YTUY Tully
YTVA Talavera
YTWB Toowoomba
YTWE Trelawney
YTWN Tooraweenah
YTYA Tyabb
YTYH Tyagarah
YTYN Tieyon Station
YUCH Ucharonidge Station
YUDG Urandangi
YUDL Undilla Homestead
YUMB Umbeara
YUMU Umuwa
YUNY Cluny
YUPG Urapunga
YUPH Upper Horton
YUSL Useless Loop
YUTP Utopia
YUTS Utopia Station
YVAF Valley Field
YVIV Mount Vivian
YVLG Valley Of Lagoons
YVNS Vaughan Springs
YVRD Victoria River Downs
YVRS Vanrook Station
YVSH Vashon Head
YVVA Victoria Valley
YVVL Violet Vale
YWAB Waldburg Homestead
YWAC Wauchope
YWAG Wanaaring
YWAL Wallal Downs
YWAN Wallan
YWAT Wattle Hills
YWAV Wave Hill
YWBH Wallabadah
YWBI Warrabri
YWBL Warrnambool
YWBN Wedderburn
YWBR Warburton Range
YWBS Warraber Island
YWCA Wilcannia
YWCH Walcha
YWCK Warwick
YWCM Wilson'S Camp
YWDA Windarra
YWDC Wodgina
YWDH Windorah
YWDJ Windjana Grove
YWDL Wondoola
YWDR Winderadeen
YWDT Wyandotte
YWEC Wellclose
YWED Wedderburn
YWEE Wooleen Homestead
YWEL Wellington
YWEO Wertalloona
YWER Wernadinga
YWEX Well 33
YWFD Western Field
YWGN Wagin
YWGT Wangaratta
YWGW Wongawol
YWHA Whyalla
YWHC White Cliffs
YWHI Whitsunday Island
YWHL Walhallow Station
YWIB Mount Willoughby
YWIE Wirralie Gold Mine
YWIL Wilandra
YWIO Wilton
YWIS Williamson
YWKB Warracknabeal
YWKH Wickham
YWKI Waikerie
YWKM Wyalkatchem
YWKW Warkworth
YWLA Willowra
YWLB Welbourn Hill
YWLG Walgett
YWLH Wallara Ranch
YWLM Williamtown
YWLN Wooltana
YWLP Wilsons Promontory
YWLU Wiluna
YWLX Wallacia
YWMA Wonominta
YWMC William Creek
YWMG Weilmoringle
YWML Westmoreland
YWMM Wollomombi
YWMP Wrotham Park
YWMY Williambury
YWNA Wilgena
YWND Wondai
YWNI Wathanin
YWNL Wingellina
YWNO Wonganoo
YWNS Wandsworth
YWOH Wongan Hills
YWOL Wollongong
YWOM Woolomin
YWOR Wollogorang
YWOV Woodvale
YWOX Woorlba
YWPA Wirrealpa
YWPE Walpole
YWPL Winning Pool North
YWPN Wilpena Homestead
YWRA Wooroona
YWRC Wave Rock
YWRE Wirralie
YWRL Warialda
YWRN Warren
YWRR Warroora Homestead
YWRT Waratah
YWRV Walker River
YWSD Westward Downs
YWSG Watts Bridge
YWSI Wirrida Siding
YWSL West Sale
YWSX Westonia
YWTL Waterloo
YWTN Winton
YWTO Wentworth
YWTV Watson River
YWUD Wudinna
YWVA Warnervale
YWWA Wee Waa
YWWG Warrawagine Station
YWWH Wentworth
YWWI Woodie Woodie
YWWL West Wyalong
YWYA Wyandra
YWYB Wynbring
YWYF Wycheproof
YWYM Wyndham
YWYY Wynyard
YXTA Tangalooma Resort
YYAA Yandama
YYAC Yacamunda
YYAK Yalkula
YYAL Yalgoo
YYBE Yarrabee Mine
YYCN Yandicoogina
YYDE Yandee
YYDM Yundamindera
YYEA Yeaburn
YYER Yerilla
YYGG Yagga Yagga
YYLD Yalda Downs Homestead
YYLG Yallalong Homestead
YYLR Yeelirrie
YYMI Yam Island
YYND Yuendumu
YYNG Young
YYNR Yanrey
YYOO Yalymboo
YYOR Yorketown
YYRM Yarram
YYRN Yamarna
YYRW Yarlarweelor
YYTA Yalata Mission
YYUM Yuinmery
YYUN Yunta
YYWG Yarrawonga
YZAN Zanthus